Yesterday I had a (near) DEATH by drowning EXPERIENCE

Written by Godwin Toko My knowledge of swimming is comparable to the Ugandan president’s vision for transforming his country: I can describe how it’s done in writing and speech, but can’t put that into practice… But, when I joined a group of friends for a weekend getaway at Busowoko in Jinja, I quickly made upContinue reading “Yesterday I had a (near) DEATH by drowning EXPERIENCE”

I agree with all Ugandans

In recent times, and dating as far as you can reference your memory to the times of Dr Kizza Besigye, the opposition in Uganda, both leaders and its supporters have all been accused of intolerance. And it is true, most, especially their supporters have been intolerant, disrespectful of other people’s views and opinions, and IContinue reading “I agree with all Ugandans”

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